1: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 09:54:33.77 0
Who would join forces with whom? Who would fight against whom? And who would win? Some might die of hunger for lack of food hunting capability or having deslikes in foods. I wonder which ones would be the survivors.
Who would join forces with whom? Who would fight against whom? And who would win? Some might die of hunger for lack of food hunting capability or having deslikes in foods. I wonder which ones would be the survivors.
11: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:00:30.40 0
If about 40 girls got together, they couldn't work together in harmony.
If about 40 girls got together, they couldn't work together in harmony.
12: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:01:35.77 0
Probably hangers-on following strong one like shadows would remain alive the longest in this kind of situation. Being leader could be risky as she has to be at the front and might earn other's enmity.
Probably hangers-on following strong one like shadows would remain alive the longest in this kind of situation. Being leader could be risky as she has to be at the front and might earn other's enmity.
15: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:01:49.63 0
田中 ヘタレだからリタイア
道重 1万円生活とか都会のサバイバルには耐えるが野外に耐えられない
譜久村 お嬢様だからリタイア
生田 上記4人より持つ
鞘師 サイダーがないと1日でリタイア
ズッキ 何でも食って生き延びる
飯窪 意外としぶとい?
石田 貧乏設定に従えば何でも食って生き延びる
佐藤 こいつもウヘウヘ言いながら何でも食う、というか一番強いぞ
くどぅー ヘタレで早々リタイア
Tanaka would drop out. She's chicken.
Michishige couldn't stand outdoor life even though she has survived competitions in city such as 10,000 Yen Seikatsu.
Fukumura would drop out since she's pure bred blue-blood.
Ikuta would remain alive longer than those above.
Sayashi would drop out only in one day without ciders.
Zukki could stay alive eating anything she got.
Iikubo might die hard unexpectedly.
Ishida also could survive eating anything if her needy character was true.
Sato would eat anything gladly, or rather she'd be the strongest.
Kudo would drop out soon as she's so chicken.
(HPW note: 10,000 Yen Seikatsu is the TV show Michishige once appeared in, in which celebrities are forced to live through one month within the budget of 10,000 yen.)
道重 1万円生活とか都会のサバイバルには耐えるが野外に耐えられない
譜久村 お嬢様だからリタイア
生田 上記4人より持つ
鞘師 サイダーがないと1日でリタイア
ズッキ 何でも食って生き延びる
飯窪 意外としぶとい?
石田 貧乏設定に従えば何でも食って生き延びる
佐藤 こいつもウヘウヘ言いながら何でも食う、というか一番強いぞ
くどぅー ヘタレで早々リタイア
Tanaka would drop out. She's chicken.
Michishige couldn't stand outdoor life even though she has survived competitions in city such as 10,000 Yen Seikatsu.
Fukumura would drop out since she's pure bred blue-blood.
Ikuta would remain alive longer than those above.
Sayashi would drop out only in one day without ciders.
Zukki could stay alive eating anything she got.
Iikubo might die hard unexpectedly.
Ishida also could survive eating anything if her needy character was true.
Sato would eat anything gladly, or rather she'd be the strongest.
Kudo would drop out soon as she's so chicken.
(HPW note: 10,000 Yen Seikatsu is the TV show Michishige once appeared in, in which celebrities are forced to live through one month within the budget of 10,000 yen.)
16: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:04:26.54 0
There'd be a conflict over concessions between Berryz and C-ute, and also a mortal combat between Maimi and Sudou.
There'd be a conflict over concessions between Berryz and C-ute, and also a mortal combat between Maimi and Sudou.
17: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:04:44.14 0
清水 こいつは料理が出来ないからリタイア
桃子 かつての貧乏設定は最早存在しない。リタイア
徳永 わがままでアウト
茉麻 お母さんキャラと言われたがやっぱダメ
夏焼 これも都会でしか生きられないタイプ
熊井 高い木の上の鳥の卵を採取するとか適者生存しないと一番生きのこれないタイプ
菅谷 こいつもワガママ。無人島には向いていない
Shimizu would drop out, cuz she can't cook.
Momoko would also disappear, cuz her needy character doesn't work anymore.
Tokunaga is too selfish to survive.
Maasa would be useless despite her motherlike position.
Natsuyaki couldn't live outside urban areas.
Kumai couldn't outlive unless she adapts herself to the environment like picking bird's eggs on tall trees or something.
Sugaya is another too selfish one to live on a desert island.
(HPW note: Wotas used to give Momoko a delusional needy persona.)
桃子 かつての貧乏設定は最早存在しない。リタイア
徳永 わがままでアウト
茉麻 お母さんキャラと言われたがやっぱダメ
夏焼 これも都会でしか生きられないタイプ
熊井 高い木の上の鳥の卵を採取するとか適者生存しないと一番生きのこれないタイプ
菅谷 こいつもワガママ。無人島には向いていない
Shimizu would drop out, cuz she can't cook.
Momoko would also disappear, cuz her needy character doesn't work anymore.
Tokunaga is too selfish to survive.
Maasa would be useless despite her motherlike position.
Natsuyaki couldn't live outside urban areas.
Kumai couldn't outlive unless she adapts herself to the environment like picking bird's eggs on tall trees or something.
Sugaya is another too selfish one to live on a desert island.
(HPW note: Wotas used to give Momoko a delusional needy persona.)
20: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:06:20.55 0
I really wish there would be one single member who knows how to build a fire.
I really wish there would be one single member who knows how to build a fire.
21: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:06:39.42 0
舞美 結構たくましいのでは
nksk まず水源を見つける。地道に畑も作る。野菜も作る
愛理 こいつは℃で唯一野外が苦手
岡井 釣りに関しては全く問題ないが農作業とかいい加減
マイマイ かつてと違って、ちゃんと作業するだろう
Maimi may be strong enough to live through.
nksk would locate water sources first, then cultivate fields and grow vegetables.
Airi is the only member of C-ute who hates outdoor activities.
Okai would do good job on fishing, yet rush job on farming.
Maimai would work on diligently. She's not what she used to be.
(HPW note: Nakajima Saki was said to be good at locating river since she found a river shouting "I've found the river!" extremely cute way in C-ute Has Come episode 5.)
nksk まず水源を見つける。地道に畑も作る。野菜も作る
愛理 こいつは℃で唯一野外が苦手
岡井 釣りに関しては全く問題ないが農作業とかいい加減
マイマイ かつてと違って、ちゃんと作業するだろう
Maimi may be strong enough to live through.
nksk would locate water sources first, then cultivate fields and grow vegetables.
Airi is the only member of C-ute who hates outdoor activities.
Okai would do good job on fishing, yet rush job on farming.
Maimai would work on diligently. She's not what she used to be.
(HPW note: Nakajima Saki was said to be good at locating river since she found a river shouting "I've found the river!" extremely cute way in C-ute Has Come episode 5.)
24: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:10:01.70 0
和田 群馬の野生児と言われたがあまり野外作業には向いていない
福田 これも外作業は苦手
中西 お嬢様だから無理
竹内 スマイレージで唯一野外向き
勝田 作業とかばくわらちょーうけんだけどで全然働かずリタイア
田村 野生児と言われるがキャンプ好きとかのエピソードはない
Wada is not for outdoor activities although she's once called the feral child of Gunma.
Fukuda also hates outdoor working.
Nakanishi couldn't survive since she's just a rich spoiled girl.
Takeuchi is the only member of S/mileage who would fit in outdoor life.
Katsuta would make fun of labor and wouldn't work at all. She'd be out.
Tamura has no episodes that prove her an outdoorsy despite some wotas call her a feral girl.
福田 これも外作業は苦手
中西 お嬢様だから無理
竹内 スマイレージで唯一野外向き
勝田 作業とかばくわらちょーうけんだけどで全然働かずリタイア
田村 野生児と言われるがキャンプ好きとかのエピソードはない
Wada is not for outdoor activities although she's once called the feral child of Gunma.
Fukuda also hates outdoor working.
Nakanishi couldn't survive since she's just a rich spoiled girl.
Takeuchi is the only member of S/mileage who would fit in outdoor life.
Katsuta would make fun of labor and wouldn't work at all. She'd be out.
Tamura has no episodes that prove her an outdoorsy despite some wotas call her a feral girl.
25: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:10:12.03 0
Makoto would try to get out of the island by bicycle and die.
Makoto would try to get out of the island by bicycle and die.
30: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:11:44.85 0
First of all, who'd take the leadership? It'd be crucial to choose a leader and move all members for securing food immediately. Who's most likely for the leader now?
First of all, who'd take the leadership? It'd be crucial to choose a leader and move all members for securing food immediately. Who's most likely for the leader now?
33: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:12:22.75 O
I think C-ute members would be likely to take the initiative.
I think C-ute members would be likely to take the initiative.
34: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:12:47.26 0
Chinami would eat poisonous mushroom thoughtlessly and die.
Chinami would eat poisonous mushroom thoughtlessly and die.
37: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:13:58.20 0
Would the experiences at SATOYAMA help them to survive?
Would the experiences at SATOYAMA help them to survive?
39: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:14:35.04 0
If they could get united under the SATOYAMA veteran's leadership they'd all survive. If not they could all die.
If they could get united under the SATOYAMA veteran's leadership they'd all survive. If not they could all die.
41: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:15:59.06 0
You can't underestimate Tanaka's low few consumption.
You can't underestimate Tanaka's low few consumption.
51: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:28:08.68 0
Reina might be able to stay alive with few food, but would go mad and drop out since she can't put on makeup and can't take bath there. She's fussy about cleanliness.
Reina might be able to stay alive with few food, but would go mad and drop out since she can't put on makeup and can't take bath there. She's fussy about cleanliness.
52: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:29:48.08 0
Tanaka would be purged in the middle of the story.
Tanaka would be purged in the middle of the story.
43: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:16:59.44 0
Skinny members saving few fat would be in fear of their lives if they couldn't secure food immediately.
Skinny members saving few fat would be in fear of their lives if they couldn't secure food immediately.
4: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 09:56:52.16 0
46: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:17:48.48 0
Zukki could be the food for the others eventually.
Zukki could be the food for the others eventually.
47: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:18:21.47 0
Which member would take that typical role to make a raft and try to get out of the island?
Which member would take that typical role to make a raft and try to get out of the island?
54: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:34:22.75 0
C-ute might try it hard, but the raft would break into pieces offshore and they'd drift to death.
C-ute might try it hard, but the raft would break into pieces offshore and they'd drift to death.
50: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:19:31.33 0
If Maimi was bit more clever, I'd appoint her for the leader with confidence, though.
If Maimi was bit more clever, I'd appoint her for the leader with confidence, though.
53: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:32:25.41 0
Intellect and physical strength would talk in this kind of case. Can we expect any intelligence among H!P members?
Intellect and physical strength would talk in this kind of case. Can we expect any intelligence among H!P members?
56: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:36:43.97 0
Momoko possesses both.
Momoko possesses both.
60: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:41:29.55 0
The only fault with Momoko would be a lack of popularity.
The only fault with Momoko would be a lack of popularity.
66: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:47:00.80 0
Being unpopular will be a fatal fault in such a situation.
Being unpopular will be a fatal fault in such a situation.
68: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:48:22.21 0
Conversely, who's the most popular member? Maimi?
Conversely, who's the most popular member? Maimi?
69: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:48:23.46 0
Maimi is a rainmaker and a manual labourer.
(HPW note: Maimi is well known for being a rain bringer and having a masculine body.)
Maimi is a rainmaker and a manual labourer.
(HPW note: Maimi is well known for being a rain bringer and having a masculine body.)
57: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:39:37.37 O
There would be a conflict and then a slaughter between rationalists and instinctives. Yajima would represent the rationalists, and Natsuyaki would represent the instinctives.
There would be a conflict and then a slaughter between rationalists and instinctives. Yajima would represent the rationalists, and Natsuyaki would represent the instinctives.
64: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:45:33.82 0
They'd be united in their respective groups after all.
They'd be united in their respective groups after all.
70: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:48:32.79 0
Mitsui could join in Musume's group. What about Mano-chan?
Mitsui could join in Musume's group. What about Mano-chan?
79: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:56:43.62 0
As for S/mileage, Wada the leader would run to Iikubo and put her group into a disaster.
As for S/mileage, Wada the leader would run to Iikubo and put her group into a disaster.
65: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:46:09.54 O
Iikubo: I'm hungry. (sigh)
Wada: Haaarunan!
Iikubo: Oh! Wa, Aya-chan, what's that blood on your hands?
Wada: I've prepared a meat for Harunan. Let's eat this together, Ufufu.
(HPW note: There were the threads on Ookami about a delusional psycho-horror story in which Wada started to show her hidden aspect during the dinner with Iikubo. Ufufu terms a cute and meaningful way of smiling.)
Iikubo: I'm hungry. (sigh)
Wada: Haaarunan!
Iikubo: Oh! Wa, Aya-chan, what's that blood on your hands?
Wada: I've prepared a meat for Harunan. Let's eat this together, Ufufu.
(HPW note: There were the threads on Ookami about a delusional psycho-horror story in which Wada started to show her hidden aspect during the dinner with Iikubo. Ufufu terms a cute and meaningful way of smiling.)
75: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:52:30.19 O
I guess it'll be Miyabi-chan who can bring Berikyuu together after all. I'm afraid Musume and S/milegae would lack harmony.
I guess it'll be Miyabi-chan who can bring Berikyuu together after all. I'm afraid Musume and S/milegae would lack harmony.
76: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:54:33.82 0
The problem with Miyabi-chan is that she does not have the slightest knowledge of surviving on a desert island.
The problem with Miyabi-chan is that she does not have the slightest knowledge of surviving on a desert island.
83: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:58:14.29 0
Better to let intelligent ones to take control. Momoko and Airi will be the smartest in H!P. Airi would be the best, as Momoko might have everything her own way.
Better to let intelligent ones to take control. Momoko and Airi will be the smartest in H!P. Airi would be the best, as Momoko might have everything her own way.
89: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 10:59:55.48 0
But Airi lacks popularity.
But Airi lacks popularity.
93: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:01:01.67 0
You can't say Airi is unpopular since Sayashi and Ishida adore her.
You can't say Airi is unpopular since Sayashi and Ishida adore her.
90: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:00:05.06 0
91: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:00:44.71 0
Don't you guys forget Shimizu Saki, the leader of Berryz? Why has nobody mentiond her so far? lol
Don't you guys forget Shimizu Saki, the leader of Berryz? Why has nobody mentiond her so far? lol
104: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:06:17.92 0
The survival rate of the Tanaka Clan would be low.
The survival rate of the Tanaka Clan would be low.
105: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:06:36.63 0
They'd split into Musume sect and Kids sect.
They'd split into Musume sect and Kids sect.
108: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:07:50.81 0
Although Maimi has popularity, good personality and superior motor skills, no one would choose her for the leader in the deadly surviving.
Although Maimi has popularity, good personality and superior motor skills, no one would choose her for the leader in the deadly surviving.
111: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:08:44.66 0
If Reina was the leader, she would order the others around to go into mountains and dive into sea for her. Finally she'd step down by a coup.
If Reina was the leader, she would order the others around to go into mountains and dive into sea for her. Finally she'd step down by a coup.
115: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:10:01.07 0
9th Gen would give up 6th Gen and start to follow Berikyuu.
9th Gen would give up 6th Gen and start to follow Berikyuu.
119: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:12:21.70 0
9th and 10th Gens would have to choose Sayu or Reina, even though both of them would be useless on a desert island. Deep down they'd want to follow Berikyuu, but it'd be difficult thinking what could happen after they return to the world.
9th and 10th Gens would have to choose Sayu or Reina, even though both of them would be useless on a desert island. Deep down they'd want to follow Berikyuu, but it'd be difficult thinking what could happen after they return to the world.
116: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:10:39.72 0
Seriously half of them would die in a month since they're all selfish and have lots of dislikes about food.
Seriously half of them would die in a month since they're all selfish and have lots of dislikes about food.
123: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:13:01.40 T
ポケモー アーティストQ&A モーニング娘。 (2012.06.26)
道重さゆみ ひたすら助けを待つ。
田中れいな 魔法で(・ω・)/~~ 笑
譜久村聖 地面をほって反対側へ!!
生田衣梨奈 いかだを作る。
鞘師里保 泳ぐしかないっしょ!
鈴木香音 動物達と仲間になって、協力し合ってぬけだす!!
飯窪春菜 まず火をおこしてSOSアピールして、それでも助けが なかったらしばらく(一生)住みつきます。
石田亜佑美 くじらに乗ってどこまでも~
佐藤優樹 何かを、もやす。
工藤 遥 イカダを作る!で脱出
Pocket Morning Weekly Q&A (Jun 26, 2012)
Q. You've been left on a deserted island. What do you do to rescue yourself?
Michishige Sayumi: I'll just wait patiently until help arrives.
Tanaka Reina: I'll use magic (・ω・)/~~ (laughs)
Fukumura Mizuki: Dig myself through to the other side!!
Ikuta Erina: Make a raft.
Sayashi Riho: Nothing left to do but swim!
Suzuki Kanon: I'd become friends with the animals, and by helping each other, I could get out of there!!
Iikubo Haruna: First, I'd light a fire and send a SOS signal, and if no help comes, I'd start to settle there (for the rest of my life).
Ishida Ayumi: Ride a whale and go anywhere~
Sato Masaki: I'd burn something.
Kudo Haruka: Make a raft! Then escape.
道重さゆみ ひたすら助けを待つ。
田中れいな 魔法で(・ω・)/~~ 笑
譜久村聖 地面をほって反対側へ!!
生田衣梨奈 いかだを作る。
鞘師里保 泳ぐしかないっしょ!
鈴木香音 動物達と仲間になって、協力し合ってぬけだす!!
飯窪春菜 まず火をおこしてSOSアピールして、それでも助けが なかったらしばらく(一生)住みつきます。
石田亜佑美 くじらに乗ってどこまでも~
佐藤優樹 何かを、もやす。
工藤 遥 イカダを作る!で脱出
Pocket Morning Weekly Q&A (Jun 26, 2012)
Q. You've been left on a deserted island. What do you do to rescue yourself?
Michishige Sayumi: I'll just wait patiently until help arrives.
Tanaka Reina: I'll use magic (・ω・)/~~ (laughs)
Fukumura Mizuki: Dig myself through to the other side!!
Ikuta Erina: Make a raft.
Sayashi Riho: Nothing left to do but swim!
Suzuki Kanon: I'd become friends with the animals, and by helping each other, I could get out of there!!
Iikubo Haruna: First, I'd light a fire and send a SOS signal, and if no help comes, I'd start to settle there (for the rest of my life).
Ishida Ayumi: Ride a whale and go anywhere~
Sato Masaki: I'd burn something.
Kudo Haruka: Make a raft! Then escape.
127: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:15:08.43 0
Ikuta, Iikubo, Sato and Kudo seems bit reliable judging by their practical answers.
Ikuta, Iikubo, Sato and Kudo seems bit reliable judging by their practical answers.
126: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:14:29.63 0
Making a raft and sailing out on the ocean thoughtlessly would be suicidal.
Making a raft and sailing out on the ocean thoughtlessly would be suicidal.
129: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:15:43.97 0
136: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:18:02.20 T
清水 諦めてどうやって生きていくかを考える
嗣永 イルカと"おとももち"になって 背中に乗せてもらって脱出する♪
徳永 鳥に運んでもらう
須藤 浜辺に〈SOS〉って書いて ヘリコプターを待つ↑↑
夏焼 船を作る
熊井 誰かが来るまで浜辺に「SOS」って書いておく!
菅谷 イルカに乗って脱出します
Shimizu: I'd resign myself to it and think about how I'm going to live from now on.
Tsugunaga: I'd become "otomomochi" with a dolphin, and it'd let me escape by riding on its back.
Tokunaga: I'd ask birds to fly me out of the island.
Sudou: Write "SOS" on the beach, and wait for a helicopter.
Natsuyaki: Make a boat
Kumai: Write "SOS" on the beach until someone comes!
Sugaya: I'd escape by riding on a dolphin.
嗣永 イルカと"おとももち"になって 背中に乗せてもらって脱出する♪
徳永 鳥に運んでもらう
須藤 浜辺に〈SOS〉って書いて ヘリコプターを待つ↑↑
夏焼 船を作る
熊井 誰かが来るまで浜辺に「SOS」って書いておく!
菅谷 イルカに乗って脱出します
Shimizu: I'd resign myself to it and think about how I'm going to live from now on.
Tsugunaga: I'd become "otomomochi" with a dolphin, and it'd let me escape by riding on its back.
Tokunaga: I'd ask birds to fly me out of the island.
Sudou: Write "SOS" on the beach, and wait for a helicopter.
Natsuyaki: Make a boat
Kumai: Write "SOS" on the beach until someone comes!
Sugaya: I'd escape by riding on a dolphin.
164: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:28:49.44 0
How poor the dolphin carrying Sugaya would be!
How poor the dolphin carrying Sugaya would be!
171: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:31:21.23 0
うむ イルカじゃ無理だシャチぐらいでかくないと
Yeah, a dolphine is not good enough. It'd need an orca to carry Sugaya.
うむ イルカじゃ無理だシャチぐらいでかくないと
Yeah, a dolphine is not good enough. It'd need an orca to carry Sugaya.
139: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:19:48.69 0
142: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:21:14.38 0
In such a situation someone imperturbable like Iikubo and Oda would make a difference.
In such a situation someone imperturbable like Iikubo and Oda would make a difference.
149: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:24:26.92 0
Maachan would eat food without permission and get tortured. Meanwhile, Daaishi would steal it on the sly.
Maachan would eat food without permission and get tortured. Meanwhile, Daaishi would steal it on the sly.
151: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:25:03.40 0
Okai would eat provisions while sleeping.
(HPW note: Okai Chisato is known for her habitual eating food while sleeping that she can't remember at all. Some wotas worry it might indicates she's a sleepwalker.)
Okai would eat provisions while sleeping.
(HPW note: Okai Chisato is known for her habitual eating food while sleeping that she can't remember at all. Some wotas worry it might indicates she's a sleepwalker.)
153: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:25:09.43 T
矢島舞美 火をたく!!…で誰かに気付いてもらう。
中島早貴 誰か来るまで待ってる
鈴木愛理 イカダを作って、どうにかして帰国する。。。(汗)
岡井千聖 通りすぎる船に助けをもとめる
萩原舞 い―――っぱいたくさんの人に聞く!
真野恵里菜 脱出できそうにないので、頑張って住みます。笑
和田彩花 叫ぶ!! 「誰かたすけてー!!Help me-」
福田花音 自分でいかだを作って海を渡る!
中西香菜 無人島にゴリラがおったら一緒にいかだを作って脱出する!
竹内朱莉 木とえだを拾っていかだを作って脱出します
勝田里奈 無人島にあるものをくっつけて泳いで帰る
田村芽実 海底トンネルを作る!
Yajima Maimi: Build a fire!!... and someone would notice it.
Nakajima Saki: Wait until someone comes.
Suzuki Airi: Make a raft, and somehow get back home...
Okai Chisato: Ask a passing ship for help.
Hagiwara Mai: Ask an awful lot of people!
Mano Erina: Seems impossible to get out of the island. So I'd try to settle there. (laugh)
Wada Ayaka: Shout out!! "Someone help me! Help me!"
Fukuda Kanon: Make a raft by myself and cross the ocean!
Nakanishi Kana: If there are gorillas on the deserted island, we'd make a raft together and escape!
Takeuchi Akari: Find trees and branches and make a raft to escape.
Katsuta Rina: Attach some things on the deserted island to myself, and swim home.
Tamura Meimi: Make an undersea tunnel!
中島早貴 誰か来るまで待ってる
鈴木愛理 イカダを作って、どうにかして帰国する。。。(汗)
岡井千聖 通りすぎる船に助けをもとめる
萩原舞 い―――っぱいたくさんの人に聞く!
真野恵里菜 脱出できそうにないので、頑張って住みます。笑
和田彩花 叫ぶ!! 「誰かたすけてー!!Help me-」
福田花音 自分でいかだを作って海を渡る!
中西香菜 無人島にゴリラがおったら一緒にいかだを作って脱出する!
竹内朱莉 木とえだを拾っていかだを作って脱出します
勝田里奈 無人島にあるものをくっつけて泳いで帰る
田村芽実 海底トンネルを作る!
Yajima Maimi: Build a fire!!... and someone would notice it.
Nakajima Saki: Wait until someone comes.
Suzuki Airi: Make a raft, and somehow get back home...
Okai Chisato: Ask a passing ship for help.
Hagiwara Mai: Ask an awful lot of people!
Mano Erina: Seems impossible to get out of the island. So I'd try to settle there. (laugh)
Wada Ayaka: Shout out!! "Someone help me! Help me!"
Fukuda Kanon: Make a raft by myself and cross the ocean!
Nakanishi Kana: If there are gorillas on the deserted island, we'd make a raft together and escape!
Takeuchi Akari: Find trees and branches and make a raft to escape.
Katsuta Rina: Attach some things on the deserted island to myself, and swim home.
Tamura Meimi: Make an undersea tunnel!
162: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:28:01.87 0
Having Nakazawa will be the most effective solution. lol
Having Nakazawa will be the most effective solution. lol
169: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:30:28.02 0
There'd be a quarrel between hard workers and idle hands accusing "lazy person must not eat" or something.
There'd be a quarrel between hard workers and idle hands accusing "lazy person must not eat" or something.
175: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:33:03.54 0
It's easy to imagine Sato to be blamed by all the other members. Especially non-MM members would accuse her with no mercy.
It's easy to imagine Sato to be blamed by all the other members. Especially non-MM members would accuse her with no mercy.
173: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:31:59.18 0
I'm just wondering how thick mustache and beard girls could have without any treatments.
I'm just wondering how thick mustache and beard girls could have without any treatments.
179: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:34:42.28 0
They'd found Maasa coming down a mountain carrying a dead boar on her shoulder 3 days after she had left for hunting.
They'd found Maasa coming down a mountain carrying a dead boar on her shoulder 3 days after she had left for hunting.
189: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:36:50.49 0
But it'd turn out to be a wild Zukki who got trapped.
But it'd turn out to be a wild Zukki who got trapped.
183: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:35:18.39 0
夜にはみんなでI WISH歌えばええやん
It'd be nice to sing I Wish all together in evening.
It'd be nice to sing I Wish all together in evening.
193: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:37:51.29 0
Berryz would get united the most in critical states.
Berryz would get united the most in critical states.
198: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:39:49.69 0
I agree since I watched the PV of Busu ni Naranai Tetsugaku.
I agree since I watched the PV of Busu ni Naranai Tetsugaku.
200: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:40:53.45 0
Why could they work together that tightly even though they don't behave like that usually.
Why could they work together that tightly even though they don't behave like that usually.
195: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:38:53.19 0
Are there any members sharing a strong bond? I'm not talking about "shipping" and something like that. Now I know Ayacho and Iikubo-san are the one of those today.
Are there any members sharing a strong bond? I'm not talking about "shipping" and something like that. Now I know Ayacho and Iikubo-san are the one of those today.
199: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:40:29.85 0
Berryz and C-ute must share a strong bond each as it's been long time since they form the groups. On the other hand Musume has been changing its members every few years even though they seem being on good terms.
Berryz and C-ute must share a strong bond each as it's been long time since they form the groups. On the other hand Musume has been changing its members every few years even though they seem being on good terms.
201: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:41:49.09 0
Michishige and Tanaka might form a cluster of just two of them leaving 9th and 10th Gens behind.
Michishige and Tanaka might form a cluster of just two of them leaving 9th and 10th Gens behind.
202: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:44:36.52 O
Eventually Michishige would get mad on Reina screaming "I'm not your follower!", since Tanaka would have ordered Sayu to do this and that.
Eventually Michishige would get mad on Reina screaming "I'm not your follower!", since Tanaka would have ordered Sayu to do this and that.
204: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:45:59.23 0
Risako was once chosen for the most desirable companion on a desert island by Maasa who got the most votes in the question. Cap is a nice girl, but weak and useless. Kumai-chan would be annoying with her "Kuma-kuma world".
Risako was once chosen for the most desirable companion on a desert island by Maasa who got the most votes in the question. Cap is a nice girl, but weak and useless. Kumai-chan would be annoying with her "Kuma-kuma world".
206: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:48:02.95 0
Maasa and Risako would consume the island into desert.
Maasa and Risako would consume the island into desert.
205: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:47:12.02 0
If Michishige tied up with Reina, Sayu the horny lesbian would unleash her desire for Reina.
If Michishige tied up with Reina, Sayu the horny lesbian would unleash her desire for Reina.
207: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:48:32.86 0
Kumai-chan would drop out so soon, because of being kind of goofy, requiring much food for her high metabolism, having bad motor nerves and being a stupid.
Kumai-chan would drop out so soon, because of being kind of goofy, requiring much food for her high metabolism, having bad motor nerves and being a stupid.
210: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:51:21.79 0
Nevertheless, Kumai-chan could pick nuts on tall trees which Momoko could never reach.
Nevertheless, Kumai-chan could pick nuts on tall trees which Momoko could never reach.
209: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 11:51:21.26 0
Kumai-chan would start to show her ability after the others consumed all the nuts on short trees.
Kumai-chan would start to show her ability after the others consumed all the nuts on short trees.
218: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 13:20:47.22 0
Ikuta would be the survivor, since she reached a goal deciphering a code very quickly in a treasure hunting game in Alo-Hello! 5.
Ikuta would be the survivor, since she reached a goal deciphering a code very quickly in a treasure hunting game in Alo-Hello! 5.
221: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 13:41:23.39 O
Nakazawa: Haropuro has been on the wane. So today's lesson is, you kill each other off till there's only one left.
(HPW note: Quoted from the movie Battle Royale.)
Nakazawa: Haropuro has been on the wane. So today's lesson is, you kill each other off till there's only one left.
(HPW note: Quoted from the movie Battle Royale.)
222: 名無し募集中。。。 2012/11/11(日) 13:45:53.87 0
How could you guys contribute to developments of mankind or society by discussing such a matter that earnestly?
How could you guys contribute to developments of mankind or society by discussing such a matter that earnestly?
[They'd found Maasa coming down a mountain carrying a dead boar on her shoulder 3 days after she had left for hunting.
ReplyDeleteBut it'd turn out to be a wild Zukki who got trapped.]
XD... I couldn't stop laughing in the train when I read that.
Please stop bullying Zukki !